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Albanian advocacy for Chameria in Europe

A book about the Chameria advocacy campaign, which aimed to get the Cham issue on the international political agenda, mobilize the people and get historical justice for the Cham community.…

Participation in the European-Central Asia Regional Forum 2022

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues, the Tom Lantos Institute and the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna organised the European-Central Asia Regional Forum on 2 and 3 May 2022,…

Statement about the Cham issue to the European-Central Asia Regional Forum

“The Europe-Central Asia Regional Forum will provide regional insights, which will feed into the thematic work of the Special Rapporteur for his report to the 52nd session of the UN…

Cham-Albanian citizenship and property loss

On 12 and 13 October 2021 the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues and the Tom Lantos institute organised the European Regional Forum on conflict prevention and the protection…

European Parliament conference on minority rights in Greece

On 20 March 2019, the European Free Alliance (EFA) political group organised a conference in the European Parliament, which discussed the minority situation in Greece. The conference with the title…

Chameria plays in the CONIFA European Championship Football

From 1 to 9 June 2019 the national football team of Chameria participated in the CONIFA European Football Championship for nations who are unaffiliated with FIFA. The tournament was held…

Combating hate speech against the Cham-Albanian community in Greece

On 22 September 2020, Mr. Jeroen Zandberg held a speech at the European Regional Forum highlighting the human rights violations against the Cham concerning the lack of protection from hate…

European Parliament conference commemorates 75 years of the expulsion of the Cham

On 26 June 2019, a conference in the European Parliament addressed the 1944 expulsion of the Cham from Chameria. Various speeches and a photo exhibition of pictures taken during the…

Minority language education in Greece, the case of the Cham-Albanians

On 6 and 7 May 2019, President Festim Lato, Mr. Arben Arkaxhiu and Mr. Jeroen Zandberg participated in the European Regional Forum on Education, Language and the Human Rights of…

Greek Ombudsman response to human rights complaint

On 28 February 2019, the Greek Ombudsman sent an official response to the complaint filed in December 2018 concerning the human rights violations against the elderly Cham who were born…