Chameria plays in the CONIFA European Championship Football

From 1 to 9 June 2019 the national football team of Chameria participated in the CONIFA European Football Championship for nations who are unaffiliated with FIFA. The tournament was held…

Statement to the Asia-Pacific Regional Minority Forum

On 7 and 8 September 2021, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues and the Tom Lantos Institute organised the Asia-Pacific Regional Forum. Its topic was conflict prevention and…

Speech Jeroen Zandberg at the 1 July 2021 West Papua conference

Good day. It is an honour to attend this gathering to celebrate the July 1, 1971 proclamation after 50 years. I look forward to the next speeches which will undoubtedly…

Frisian maps of the 1500s

Map 1: Oost ende West Vrieslandts beschrijvinghe by Zacharias Heyns (1598) Map 2: Frisiae Orientalis nuoa et exacta descriptio by Laurentius Michaelis (1579) Map 3: Frisia Orientalis by Johannes Florianus…

Frisian maps of the 1600s

Map 1: Tabulae Frisiae, Groningae et territorii Ambdensis by Nicolaas Visscher (middle 1600’s) Map 2: Typus Frisiae orientalis by Ubbo Emmius and Joannes Janssonius (1630) Map 3: Nova descriptio orientalis…

Frisian maps of the 1700s

Map 1: Wasser-flut in Nieder-Teutschland by Johann Baptist Homann (1718) (a map of the areas that were flooded during the big flood of 25 December 1717) Map 2: Das Furstenthum…

Combating hate speech against the Cham-Albanian community in Greece

On 22 September 2020, Mr. Jeroen Zandberg held a speech at the European Regional Forum highlighting the human rights violations against the Cham concerning the lack of protection from hate…

West Papua Football Association admitted to CONIFA

On 25-26 January 2020 CONIFA held its annual General Assembly to reflect on the activities of the previous year and to discuss the World Cup to be held on 30…

Rehoboth Basters Atlas

AI-Driven Translation for Low- and Medium-Resource Languages in Public Governance

IntroductionAI-driven translation services are increasingly seen as a tool to bridge language barriers in public governance, aligning with global efforts to close digital divides and promote inclusivity. The United Nations’…