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Frisians at the FUEN Congress

By Jeroen Zandberg The FUEN Congress (The article is also in Dutch and can be read following this link) From September 29 to October 1, 2022, more than a hundred…

The Nitrogen revolution in Fryslan

I want to briefly raise an issue very relevant to the topic of development and human rights. The Dutch government has recently launched a new agricultural policy, whereby the provinces…

Participation at the United Nations EMRIP

On 4 to 8 July 2022, the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) held its 15th session in Geneva, Switzerland. The theme of this year’s edition was:…

Statement to the EMRIP on the Frisian language

Distinguished members, I want to give a brief presentation on the situation of an indigenous language in northwestern Europe, namely Frisian. Frisian used to be a language that was spoken…

The linguistic situation of the Frisian minority

On 3 May 2022, Mr. Zandberg made a statement to the Europe-Central Asia Regional Forum in Vienna about an issue that affects the Frisian minority in the Netherlands. Distinguished guests,…

Participation in the European-Central Asia Regional Forum 2022

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues, the Tom Lantos Institute and the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna organised the European-Central Asia Regional Forum on 2 and 3 May 2022,…

Frisian maps of the 1500s

Map 1: Oost ende West Vrieslandts beschrijvinghe by Zacharias Heyns (1598) Map 2: Frisiae Orientalis nuoa et exacta descriptio by Laurentius Michaelis (1579) Map 3: Frisia Orientalis by Johannes Florianus…

Frisian maps of the 1600s

Map 1: Tabulae Frisiae, Groningae et territorii Ambdensis by Nicolaas Visscher (middle 1600’s) Map 2: Typus Frisiae orientalis by Ubbo Emmius and Joannes Janssonius (1630) Map 3: Nova descriptio orientalis…

Frisian maps of the 1700s

Map 1: Wasser-flut in Nieder-Teutschland by Johann Baptist Homann (1718) (a map of the areas that were flooded during the big flood of 25 December 1717) Map 2: Das Furstenthum…

De Friezen op het FUEN congres

Door: Jeroen Zandberg Het FUEN Congres Van 29 september tot 1 oktober 2022 kwamen meer dan honderd vertegenwoordigers van Europese minderheidsgroepen bijeen in Berlijn voor het jaarlijkse FUEN-congres. FUEN staat…