From 12 to 14 May 2023, the European Conservatives and Reformists organized a political and cultural event in Sofia, Bulgaria, which brought together politicians, academics and activists to debate the political situation in Europe and the role conservatism and European culture play. More than two dozen speakers from numerous European countries explained the situation in their respective country, as well as the policies of the European Union. Furthermore, they zoomed in on the dominant cultural and political worldview within Europe and how conservative thought could provide a more sustainable alternative.

The link between patriotism and conservatism was one of the central themes of the event. One of the Bulgarian speakers elaborated widely on the history of communism, Soviet domination and its legacy, which has infused the country with a healthy skepticism and an awareness never to trust a deceiving power. He and others said that patriotism lays at the center of success and that self-determination should be seen from the perspective of countries instead of individuals who fool themselves into believing something they are not. Many speakers played with the idea that conservatism is the last stronghold of nationality and the only defense against liberal attacks on society. People’s identity is under threat, which leads to numerous crises. “National identity is the carrier of conservative thought and traditions, which protects against attacks by globalists.” It was emphasized that conservatives are not against globalization, but that they advocate for a more democratic global world where cooperation instead of subjugation is king. “You can only be international if you are national as well. Else you have no resources.” The speakers provided several examples of cultural activities they see as liberal attacks on a conservative society. Examples that were mentioned by several speakers from Bulgaria were cultural projects named ‘drag queens playing Bingo’ and transvestites replacing women in a beauty pageant. These activities received public funding and were seen by the speakers as part of a liberal agenda to dominate civil society and control the public in a way that is reminiscent of the darkest days of communism. The speakers lamented the fact that Bulgarian culture is being reduced to Bingo for drag queens and instead hope for a revival of conservative values. The panelists also emphasized the fact that conservatives are being silenced, victims of propaganda by the media and driven out of the public domain.

The event was focused on bringing a renaissance of conservative culture to Europe. Besides numerous Bulgarian speakers, there was also a large delegation of Italian politicians who explained their policies since coming to power. Although these speakers claim to promote conservative thought, some of their presentations had a strong liberal tone to them, which could have created an alienating feeling with part of the audience. Numerous presentations focused on the position of women in society. One presentation focused on the skills in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Several panelists mentioned that STEM is the enemy of Woke since it is not interpretable. However, the presentations continued with focusing on the difference between men and women in these fields. STEM is less popular with women and according to the figures presented at the event, this is due to cultural bias and prejudice. An example that was given by one of the speakers is the Matilda effect, which means that women’s contribution to science is not recognized which leads people to think that science is not for women. The speakers went on to explain how they intend to close this gender gap. You would expect these presentations at a liberal event and it brings into question the depth of conservative thought and if liberal values in fact dominate conservative parties when they have political power. However, other presentations had a different perspective on equality, whereby this is not connected to the individual, but to the family. Several speakers emphasized that the basis for equality lays in the family and that family values need to be protected in order to save genuine equality.

“Conservatives are not against women’s rights.” This statement was repeated throughout the day, perhaps to counter the prejudice and propaganda against conservativism by the perceived dominant liberal ideology. The Istanbul Convention came up in this regard numerous times as well. This Convention is a legally binding human rights treaty of the Council of Europe and is formally known as the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence. Numerous speakers said that the Istanbul Convention is not the best route to increase women’s rights. They provided examples of countries like France and Germany who signed the treaty and subsequently did not see a decrease but an increase in violence against women, thereby negating the argument that the Convention is necessary to decrease the violence against women. The speakers emphasized that the Istanbul Convention does not adequately protect women and instead is a tool to impose a societal organization that is liberal and anti-conservative. For example, the Convention says that gender and sex are different and it also talks about refugees that should not be returned. The fact that the European Union has signed this Convention implies that all its members are bound by it. The panelists decried this fact and pointed out that liberals divide and atomize men’s and women’s identity. Furthermore, they emphasized that a holistic approach is needed to define men and women and that the role of science in this matter should be increased to do justice to the humanity of all people.

The conservative worldview laid at the foundation of the various panels of the conference. How can this worldview be passed on to the next generation? A speaker mentioned that European culture is thousands of years old, that it has proven itself and that it is up to conservatives to save the souls of Europeans who are being burnt on the liberal stakes of decadence. A case was also made for Christianity, which can be seen as more than a religion, but a historically proven way of life. Education is about the transfer of knowledge and values in order to make a good, mature next generation. Education should have a basis in culture. Furthermore, parents, and not the state, should decide the education for their children. Another panelist mentioned the importance of facts and especially alternative facts, which are not fantastical lies, but different perspectives of reality that ground society in a conservative and sustainable present and successful future. A debate about renewable energy and sustainable development emphasized that any ecological disaster is not due to conservative policies, since political power is firmly in the hands of liberals. The speakers noted that many of the facts presented in the green deal are opinions based on lies and wishful thinking. These opinions are subsequently promoted to a religious truth that must be adopted by all. However, “consensus is not for science, but for politics.” The facts that are based in a conservative worldview are increasingly important in an era that is reminiscent to the days of communism when the only true fact in the newspaper was the date.

The event also celebrated European culture and focused on the age-old history of Bulgaria. The conference was held at the National Palace of Culture and an organized tour through the city of Sofia provided the participants a glimpse of the riches of Bulgarian history. Several ancient churches, like the Sveta Nedelya Cathedral Church and the Saint George Rotunda Church were visited, as were the remains of the Serdica Ancient Cultural and Communicative Complex. These and other monumental buildings provide part of the foundations of European culture. During a gala dinner in the evening of 13 May 2023, the guests and speakers were presented with traditional Bulgarian cuisine and folklore and even had the opportunity to participate in a traditional dance.