The Democratic Foundation of Chameria President Festim Lato, Mr. Ali Aliu and Mr. Jeroen Zandberg travelled to the Scandinavian country of Norway this week to inform the Norwegian government, parliament, academia and civil society about the Cham issue and to find support for the activities of the Democratic Foundation of Chameria.
Norway is a prosperous Northern-European country, and although not part of the EU nevertheless very involved in European affairs. The large number of private- as well as governmental organisations who promote peace, stability and development makes Norway one of the main exporters of peaceful mediation. Conflict prevention and resolution are ingrained in Norwegian culture and are an example of hope and inspiration for the rest of the world. Furthermore, Oslo is the place where each year the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to an organisation or individual who has dedicated his life to bringing peace to the world.
President Festim Lato started his campaign to get historical justice for the Cham people almost two decades ago and has always kept his focus on promoting a democratic and peaceful Balkan in which all the Peoples can live in peace and harmony. Norway is a great example of a country where all its citizens and organisations agree on the fundamental importance of peace and justice for all. Norway is thereby a great inspiration for President Festim Lato.

On 19 and 20 September 2018, the president and his team had meetings with many organisations and individuals from civil society and academia in Norway. The University of Oslo and the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights are several of the organisations the president visited during these days. Many of the people whom the president met had very little or no knowledge about the Cham issue. Fortunately, the presentations by the president changed this for the better. Furthermore, many of the people reacted positively to the inquiries about possible cooperation, which will undoubtedly take the quest for historical justice for the Cham community a step forward.
President Festim Lato believes that by simply providing reasonable people with the facts about the Cham issue is in itself a powerful tool to get support for a peaceful resolution of the Cham issue.
The journey to Norway also provided the president with the opportunity to meet with Cham-Albanians and supporters of the cause, thereby expanding and strengthening the network of the Republic of Chameria.
President Festim Lato is thankful to all the Norwegian organisations and individuals who took the time and effort to receive his delegation and discuss the Cham issue. The positive response that many of these meetings generated gives the president great hopes for more intensive cooperation in the near future. The president expects to return to Norway soon in order to closely work with the many professional, peace-loving and dedicated people of Norway to move the Cham issue forward.